About us
How did flexaport come up?
Flexibility in camping is very important for many people. But no matter how flexible we are: everything that is put in at the top has to come out at the bottom at some point. And that's often not as easy while being for camping instead of at home: flush it, it's gone - never to be seen, smelled or touched again...
A chemical toilet makes life on the road much easier - but the overall concept with all the chemical and disposal problems is unfortunately not very sustainable. If you want to camp offsite, you regularly have to deal with the difficult issue of disposal.
Many people who take a closer look at the subject eventually come up with a dry separation toilet.
For me there was almost the decision to modify my camper for a separtion toilet. Because of the costs, the effort and the duration of use, I thought about alternatives. The result was a first " insert " for the chemical toilet installed in my own van.
Of course, there were some reservations about this idea at the beginning: the ladies have some problems with "target peeing". Is the use practicable with small children? How and where to dispose all the filled bags? After 4 days of use, however, my wife and children have also become accustomed to the insert and managed well. The threat of unpleasant disposal of a full cassette was also sufficient incentive for everyone to put their own bag in the residual waste ;)
Since many friends and associates were enthusiastic about the idea and also wanted an insert for their own toilet, I had produced a first small series in my own workshop. As demand increased, the insert was adapted to other models. In the meantime, the inserts are no longer sawn by hand, but cut, milled or lasered close to the Lake Constance.
Hopefully flexaport will manage to simplify the toilet issue when camping and become a little more sustainable and environment-friendly by using less chemicals.